MUS: Music

MUS 001 F Instrumental Performance Practicum

0.5-3 Units

9-54 hours lab per term. This course is for students who wish to increase their knowledge of instrumental performance. Various topics will be offered. Consult the class schedule to verify credit for a particular semester.

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUS 021 F Piano Pedagogy I

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): Piano Audition

54 hours lecture and 18 hours lab per term. This course is designed for those interested in starting or continuing a career in piano teaching. The emphasis is on evaluating various pedagogical methods and skills for teaching beginning and elementary level students. Class activities include examining current piano method books, studio policy, business law, communication skills, networking, lectures, presentations and guest speakers. Letter Grade or Pass/No Pass option.

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUS 022 F Piano Pedagogy II

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): Audition

54 hours lecture and 18 hours lab per term. This course is designed for those interested in starting or continuing a career in piano teaching. Students will evaluate various pedagogical methods and skills for teaching intermediate and early advanced repertoires. Class activities include peer-teaching, piano competition, business etiquette, lesson plans, tutoring, adjudication, job interview, journal preparation, lectures and guest speakers. Letter Grade or Pass/No Pass option.

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUS 070 F Musical Theatre Techniques

2 Units

36 hours lecture per term. Students will participate in an in-depth analysis and application of the skills necessary for the performance in the styles of Musical Theatre, from audition to performance. Pass/No Pass only.

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUS 081 F Music Tour Practicum

0.5-3 Units

0-54 hours lecture and 0-108 hours lab per term. This course is for students who wish to increase their knowledge and skills in a practical concert tour. This class will involve the students in the preparation, management, and performance venues appropriate for the genre. Various topics will be offered. Unit credit may range from .5 to 3 units in any given semester. Consult the class schedule to verify credit for a particular semester.

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUS 100 F Music Laboratory

1-2 Units

54-108 hours lab per term. For each 54 hours beyond the music requirements that the student spends progressing in the Computer Lab, listening in the Music Library or practicing in the Practice Room Suite 1114, one unit of credit will be granted. All hours must be verified by computer sign in. Pass/No Pass only. Open Entry/Open Exit. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUS 101 F Music Fundamentals

3 Units

54 hours lecture per term. This course is designed for the person whose music reading skills are non-existent or very limited. Emphasis is upon learning by tapping rhythm patterns and singing melodic materials, but includes enough basic music terminology, rhythm and pitch notation, intervals, scales, meter and key signatures to make this possible. This course is open to all students but should be of special interest to prospective music majors, church choir members, and others who want to develop skills in music reading and fundamentals of music theory. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC) AA GE, CSU GE

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUS 102 F Introduction to College Musicianship (formerly Music Reading)

1 Unit

Corequisite(s): MUS 106 F.

Concurrent 18 hours lecture and 18 hours lab per term. This is an introductory course in college-level ear-training, sight singing, and musicianship skills for the music major. It includes developing melodic and rhythmic performance skills as well as melodic and rhythmic dictation. (CSU) (UC) (Degree Credit) (C-ID: MUS 110)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUS 103 F Beginning Musicianship

1 Unit

Prerequisite(s): MUS 106 F with a grade of C or better

Advisory: MUSA 131 F

Corequisite: MUS 107 F with a grade of C or better. 36 hours lecture per term. This is the first course in ear-training, sight singing, and musicianship skills for the music major. It includes developing melodic and rhythmic performance skills as well as melodic, harmonic, and rhythmic dictation. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC) (C-ID: MUS 125)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUS 104 F Intermediate Musicianship

1 Unit

Prerequisite(s): MUS 103 F with a grade of C or better

Advisory: MUSA 131 F

Corequisite: MUS 109 F with a grade of C or better. 36 hours lecture per term. This course is a continuation of MUS 103 F. It includes the development, at increasingly more difficult levels of melodic and rhythmic performance skills as well as melodic, harmonic, and rhythmic dictation. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC) (C-ID: MUS 135)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUS 106 F Introduction to College Music Theory

3 Units

Advisory: MUS 101 F and MUSA 131 F.

Concurrent Corequisite: MUS 102 F. 54 hours lecture per term. This course is designed as an entry-level music theory class for music majors. This course includes basic music theory terminology, rhythm and pitch notation, clefs, scales, key signatures, intervals, triads (and inversions), and seventh chords. Basic keyboard will also be introduced, along with a concise outline of the major style periods of music history. The ability to read music is strongly recommended and desirable. This course provides essential background for more advanced courses in music theory. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC) AA GE, CSU GE (C-ID: MUS 110)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUS 107 F Music Theory I (formerly Harmony)

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): MUS 102 F and MUS 106 F with a grade of C or better

Advisory: MUSA 131 F

Concurrent Corequisite: MUS 103 F with a grade of C or better. 54 hours lecture per term. This course is the second course in music theory for music majors and includes four-part writing, cadences, non-harmonic tones, seventh chords, chord inversions, figured bass symbols, and diatonic chord progressions. (CSU) (UC) (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC) AA GE, CSU GE (C-ID: MUS 120)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUS 108 F Introduction to Music Technology

2 Units

36 hours lecture per term. This course covers and explores the fundamental vocabulary, methods, concepts and devices used in contemporary music production and related media fields, including sound fundamentals, consumer audio equipment, personal computers and software, recording studios, electronic music, audio-visual productions, trade publications, relevant conventions, and employment opportunities. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUS 109 F Music Theory II (formerly MUS 107BF Harmony II)

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): MUS 107 F with a grade of C or better

Advisory: MUSA 131 F

Concurrent Corequisite: MUS 104 F with a grade of C or better. 54 hours lecture per term. This course follows MUS 107 F in the music theory sequence. It includes secondary dominants, modulation to closely related keys, melodic structure (phrase and period), species counterpoint, and an introduction to formal structure (binary, ternary and compound). (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC) (C-ID: MUS 130)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUS 110 F Electronic Music I: Beginning Music Production

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): MUS 108 F with a grade of C or better

36 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This course covers the history of electronic music, the classical tape lab, and the analogue voltage controlled synthesizer, as well as the fundamentals of electronic music theory and techniques for instrument synthesis and sound design. (CSU) (Degree Credit) AA GE, CSU GE

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUS 112 F The Music Business

2 Units

36 hours lecture per term. This course provides an introduction to intellectual property law, copyright forms, and agreements between songwriter, publisher, recording artist, producer, and personal management. This course takes an extensive look at the history of music business and how proof of authorship is possible. This course also explores the business dynamics of the music and entertainment industries. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUS 113 F Jazz History - An Appreciation

3 Units

54 hours lecture per term. This course provides a historical study of jazz music, America's only original musical art form. The focus will be on developing for the student an appreciation and understanding of the music with secondary emphasis on the historical and cultural conditions which influenced each era of jazz music: Dixieland, Swing, Cool Jazz, Bebop, Free jazz, and Fusion. Active directed listening will be the primary activity in the classroom. Out-of-class activities will include music, listening and concert attendance. (CSU) (UC) (Degree Credit) AA GE, CSU GE, IGETC

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUS 116 F Music Appreciation

3 Units

54 hours lecture per term. This course is designed for the non-music major and explores musical development from Middle Ages/Renaissance to the present. Emphasis is on active, directed listening to music and the discussion of choral, orchestral, solo, opera, and chamber works. Required out of class activities may include concert attendance. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC) AA GE, CSU GE, IGETC

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUS 118 F Introduction to Opera

3 Units

54 hours lecture and 18 hours lab per term. This course offers an Introduction to the standard operatic repertoire in terms of development of vocal style, dramatic structure, and performance tradition. This course emphasizes appreciation of the art of operatic singing, focusing on voice classification, vocal range and techniques, and dramatic values. Students are offered opportunities for attendance at operatic performances. Field trips may be required outside of regularly-scheduled class times. Letter Grade or Pass/No Pass option. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC) AA GE, CSU GE, IGETC

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUS 119 F History of Rock Music

3 Units

54 hours lecture per term. This course presents a historical study of the music of a rock musician. The principal focus will be on the music with analysis, secondary emphasis is placed on the social, political, and economic conditions which so heavily influenced this musical genre's development. Listening Active, directed listening, will be the primary function activity in the classroom. Out-of-class activities may include concert attendance. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC) AA GE, CSU GE, IGETC

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUS 120 F Survey of Music History

3 Units

54 hours lecture per term. This course is a survey of the history of western art music from antiquity through the twentieth century including the contributions of other cultures with selected readings, recordings, and score analysis. Emphasis is placed on cultural influences, performance practices, media, composers, and characteristics of each style period. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC) AA GE, CSU GE, IGETC (C-ID: MUS 100)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUS 122 F Advanced Music Business

2 Units

Prerequisite(s): MUS 112 F with a grade of C or better

This course builds on the information covered in and is meant to be sequential to MUS 112 F. This course covers the following topics in greater depth: artist management, marketing and promotion, venue management and promotion, music supervisor and music product sales and development. This course also explores new media and online methods for promotion and distribution. Guest speakers will appear according to availability. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUS 124 F Recording Lab I - Beginning Techniques

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): MUS 108 F with a grade of C or better

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This course explores the fundamental concepts in audio recording technology, including lab business practices, microphones, mixers, signal processors, the sound field, monitors, recording and editing devices, synchronization, and production techniques. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUS 125 F Recording Techniques Workshop for Performers

3 Units

36 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This course is designed for the music performer enrolled in a college performance ensemble that is involved in making a performance tape, CD, DVD or TV show. This course includes recording, use of click tracks, mike placement/set up, use of headphones, proper overdubbing techniques, lip syncing when needed and developing advanced lab performance skills. Enrollment in this class is available only to students who are enrolled in a college performing group or small ensemble that is recording during the term the class is being offered or as a Recording/Production Career Technical Education student. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUS 129 F Songwriting

1 Unit

Advisory: MUS 101 F or MUS 106 F.

18 hours lecture and 18 hours lab per term. This course helps students to creatively combine music and words into songs. Students will study song form, lyrical devices, lead-sheet formatting, and prosody. Styles studied include Great American Songbook, "singer-songwriter," folk, and modern popular music. The class is divided between lecture sessions and opportunities for students to share their work for critique and brainstorm with classmates. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUS 156 F Beginning Instrumental Jazz Improvisation

1 Unit

Advisory: MUS 106 F.

18 hours lecture and 18 hours lab per term. This course is designed for the beginning instrumental musician with an emphasis upon techniques of rhythmic, melodic and harmonic improvisation. Participants will learn the art of constructing a melodic solo that is rhythmically and harmonically appropriate. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUS 170 F Opera Workshop

1 Unit

Advisory: Audition.

18 hours lecture and 18 hours lab per term. This course is an in-depth analysis of the musical, linguistic, and stylistic skills necessary for the learning and memorization of operatic repertoire. Emphasis is placed on music preparation for the Opera Production Performance. Course may be taken four times for credit. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUS 171 F Opera Production Performance

2 Units

Advisory: Students are admitted by audition.

18 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This course is an in-depth analysis and application of the skills necessary for the performance in the styles of opera theatre from audition to performance, with an emphasis on blocking/acting, character development. This course may be taken four times for credit. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUS 172 F Opera Theatre Workshop

2 Units

Advisory: Audition

18 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This course is an in-depth analysis and application of the skills necessary for the performance in the styles of opera theatre from audition to performance. Course may be taken four times for credit. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUS 180 F Collegiate Chorale

1 Unit

Advisory: Audition

18 hours lecture and 36 hours lab per term. This course will cover standard choral literature which will be rehearsed and performed with an emphasis on basic choral techniques. This course is open to all students with limited or no singing experience. Course may be taken four times for credit. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC) (C-ID: MUS 180)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUS 181 F Women's Chorale

1 Unit

Advisory: Audition

18 hours lecture and 36 hours lab per term. This is a performing group which performs traditional choral music for treble voices in styles from the Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and Contemporary periods. This course is open to students with limited or no singing experience. Course may be taken four times for credit. (CSU) (UC) (C-ID: MUS 180)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUS 203 F Music Theory III (formerly Counterpoint)

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): MUS 109 F with a grade of C or better

Advisory: MUSA 131 F

Concurrent Corequisite: MUS 204 F with a grade of C or better. This course introduces formal analysis of 18th century forms (Sonata and Rondo) and explores, through analysis and writing, modal borrowing, Neapolitan and augmented sixth chords, 9th, 11th, and 13th chords, and altered dominant chords. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC) (C-ID: MUS 140)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUS 204 F Advanced Musicianship

1 Unit

Prerequisite(s): MUS 104 F with a grade of C or better

Advisory: MUSA 131 F

Concurrent Corequisite: MUS 203 F with a grade of C or better. 36 hours lecture per term. This course is a continuation of MUS 104 F. It includes the development of, at increasingly more difficult levels, melodic and rhythmic sight singing, along with melodic, harmonic, and rhythmic dictation. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC) (C-ID: MUS 145)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUS 205 F Pop/Commercial Music Theory

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): MUS 109 F with a grade of C or better

Concurrent Corequisite: MUS 206 F with a grade of C or better. 54 hours lecture per term. This advanced music theory class provides an intensive study of harmonic material as used in popular music and jazz. This course includes the study of chord progressions, substitutions, harmonic alterations and musical form. Special attention is paid to great American composers such as Duke Ellington and Cole Porter. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUS 206 F Pop and Commercial Musicianship

1 Unit

Prerequisite(s): MUS 104 F with a grade of C or better.

Concurrent Corequisite: MUS 205 F with a grade of C or better. 18 hours lecture and 18 hours lab per term. This course is designed to enhance the student's aural skills through several different approaches to pop, jazz and commercial music. The course includes drills and exercises in three areas: singing of jazz-related scales and arpeggios, basic conducting skills and the transcription of pop harmony centered upon the music of the Beatles. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC) (C-ID: MUS 155)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUS 207 F Pop/Commercial Arranging/Composing

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): MUS 205 F with a grade of C or better

54 hours lecture per term. This course provides analysis of contemporary and traditional songs and the study of techniques of scoring for various combinations of voices and instruments. This course places emphasis on using modern orchestration and scoring projects to be performed and recorded for class members. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUS 208 F Music Copying and Notation Software

2 Units

Prerequisite(s): MUS 106 F with a grade of C or better

36 hours lecture per term. This is a vocational, career-oriented course that covers the preparation of professional-quality manuscripts, vocal scores, and instrumental scores as well as transposition of instruments and copying from full instrumental scores. This course is open to all music majors, music teachers, or performers. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUS 224 F Recording Studio II - Intermediate Techniques

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): MUS 124 F with a grade of C or better

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This course provides an introduction to digital audio concepts, recorders, synchronization, and the digital audio workstation. Students will be assigned projects in the recording facilities. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUS 226 F Recording Studio III - Advanced Techniques

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): MUS 224 F with a grade of C or better or Audition

36 hours lecture and 72 hours lab per term. This class is the final of three sequential recording studio classes. Student project work focuses on advanced recording techniques necessary to record and organize recording sessions for large choirs, ensembles and orchestras. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUS 256 F Advanced Instrumental Jazz Improvisation

1.5 Units

Prerequisite(s): MUS 156 F with a grade of C or better or Audition.

18 hours lecture and 36 hours lab per term. This course, which is designed for commercial music / jazz studies majors, places emphasis upon techniques of rhythmic, melodic, and harmonic improvisation. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUS 259 F Steel Drum Ensemble

1 Unit

Prerequisite(s): Audition

18 hours lecture and 18 hours lab per term. Lectures and demonstrations are combined with student performances that provide information and opportunities toward the goal of live musical performances in the Steel Pan Ensemble. Emphasis will be placed on sight reading and improvisation of music from Trinidad, modern jazz, and classical arrangements. Course may be taken four times for credit. (CSU) (UC) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUS 260 F Guitar Ensemble

1 Unit

Advisory: Audition

18 hours lecture and 18 hours lab per term. Students will rehearse and perform original and transcribed guitar ensemble literature from the Renaissance to contemporary styles; performances are required of all students. Course may be taken four times for credit. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC) (C-ID: MUS 185)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUS 261 F String Ensemble

1 Unit

Advisory: Audition

18 hours lecture and 18 hours lab per term. This course includes the rehearsal and performance of standard and current string ensemble literature. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC) (C-ID: MUS 180)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUS 262 F Woodwind Ensemble

1 Unit

Prerequisite(s): Audition

18 hours lecture and 18 hours lab per term. This class will consist of study, rehearsal, and performance of Woodwind Ensemble music. Course may be taken four times for credit. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC) (C-ID: MUS 180)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUS 263 F Brass Ensemble

1 Unit

Prerequisite(s): Audition

18 hours lecture and 36 hours lab per term. This course is based upon performance of brass ensemble literature from all major stylistic periods in music. Course may be taken four times for credit. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC) (C-ID: MUS 180)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUS 264 F Percussion Ensemble

1 Unit

Prerequisite(s): Audition

18 hours lecture and 36 hours lab per term. This course explores the rehearsal and public performance of standard percussion ensemble literature. This course is designed for music majors, but is open to all students. Course may be taken four times for credit. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC) (C-ID: MUS 185)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUS 265 F Piano Ensemble

1 Unit

Prerequisite(s): MUSA 136 F with a grade of C or better or Audition

18 hours lecture and 18 hours lab per term. This course is designed to enhance ensemble-playing skills by focusing on rehearsal technique, balance, and hand coordination. Emphasis is on performing of standard and current duo pieces, four-hand literature, and pieces requiring more than two pianos and/or other instruments. Participation in piano ensemble recital and performances is required. Course may be taken four times for credit. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC) (C-ID: MUS 185)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUS 266 F Jazz Combo

1 Unit

Prerequisite(s): Audition

Advisory: MUS 106 F - students should be able to read music notation and play major scales up to four sharps and four flats from memory.

18 hours lecture and 36 hours lab per term. This course provides a combination of lectures and demonstrations with student performances, recordings, and tours are used to increase understanding and appreciation of many jazz genres and their relationship to modern American music. The ability to play suitable instruments is required. Previous band, jazz ensemble, or orchestra experience and improvisational skills are desirable. Course may be taken four times for credit. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC) (C-ID: MUS 185)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUS 268 F Jazz Guitar Ensemble

1 Unit

Prerequisite(s): Audition

18 hours lecture and 18 hours lab per term. Lecture/demonstrations are combined with student performances to provide opportunities for learning and growth in the area of jazz guitar. Particular emphasis is placed on the application of advanced guitar techniques to standard jazz literature. Course may be taken four times for credit. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC) (C-ID: MUS 180)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUS 269 F Alternative Jazz Lab Ensemble

1 Unit

Prerequisite(s): Ability to play suitable instruments

Advisory: MUS 106 F or basic skills on major instruments

18 hours lecture and 36 hours lab per term. This course combined with student performances is used to increase understanding and appreciation of many musical genres including Fusion, Latin Rock, Pop, Salsa, Indiana, Afro-Cuban music and their relationship to modern American composition. Previous band, jazz ensemble, or orchestra experience and improvisational skills are desirable. Course may be taken four times for credit. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC) (C-ID: MUS 180)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUS 270 F Electronic Music Ensemble

1 Unit

Prerequisite(s): Audition

18 hours lecture and 36 hours lab per term. This course allows students to learn to play collaborative works suitable for electronic music and synthesizer techniques. Develop interactive playing techniques with Ableton Live, Tactile controllers and electronically-modified acoustic instruments to realize avant-garde, techno-pop and dance music as well as improvised pieces with multi-media content. Course may be taken four times for credit. (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUS 271 F Fullerton College Symphony

1 Unit

Prerequisite(s): Audition

18 hours lecture, 36 hours lab and 18 arranged hours in rehearsals, studio recording, and concerts. This course includes the rehearsal and public performance of standard orchestral literature both on campus and in surrounding communities. Course may be taken four times for credit. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC) (C-ID: MUS 180)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUS 273 F Concert Band

1 Unit

Prerequisite(s): Audition

18 hours lecture and 36 hours lab per term. This course will rehearse and perform standard band literature. Public performances will be held at various locations. Course may be taken four times for credit. (CSU) (UC) (Degree Credit) (C-ID: MUS 180)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUS 274 F Fullerton College Symphonic Winds

1 Unit

Prerequisite(s): Audition

18 hours lecture, 36 hours lab and 18 hours arranged in rehearsals, recordings, and concerts per term. This course will include rehearsals and performance of standard band literature. The performances will take place on campus and in the community. Course may be taken four times for credit. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC) (C-ID: MUS 180)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUS 275 F Pep Band

1 Unit

Prerequisite(s): Audition

18 hours lecture and 36 hours lab per term. This course creates a performance opportunity for music majors to provide musical support to the Fullerton College Athletics program. The band will perform during football and basketball games and for special events. Emphasis is placed upon student leadership, and the performance literature is drawn from contemporary and traditional band sources. The emphasis of this course is on modern Pep Band ensemble literature. Course may be taken four times for credit. (CSU) (UC) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUS 276 F Jazz Band

1 Unit

Prerequisite(s): Audition

Advisory: MUS 106 F and concurrent enrollment in MUS 274 F

18 hours lecture and 36 hours lab per term. This is a performing ensemble including studio recording, and concerts. Rehearsal, recording and concert performance of standard and current jazz fusion music. Student composition/arrangements encouraged. Open to all students by audition. Course may be taken four times for credit. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC) (C-ID: MUS 180)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUS 277 F Jazz Lab Band

1 Unit

Prerequisite(s): Audition

Advisory: Concurrent enrollment in MUS 274 F

18 hours lecture and 36 hours lab per term. This course explores standard and current jazz/fusion and swing big band music. Course may be taken four times for credit. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC) (C-ID: MUS 180)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUS 281 F Concert Choir

1 Unit

Prerequisite(s): Audition

18 hours lecture, 36 hours lab and 18 hours arranged lab per term in additional rehearsals, studio recordings, and concerts. This course covers standard choral literature which will be rehearsed and performed with an emphasis on early western music of the Renaissance and Baroque periods. Course may be taken four times for credit. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC) (C-ID: MUS 180)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUS 282 F Fullerton College Master Chorale

1 Unit

Prerequisite(s): Audition

18 hours lecture, 36 hours lab and 18 hours arranged in additional rehearsals, recordings, and concerts. This course is a performance oriented class and incorporates traditional choral literature of a sacred and secular nature. There will be at least one major work performed per year on campus and in the community. This course is open to students and to all residents of the North Orange County Community College District. Course may be taken four times for credit. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC) (C-ID: MUS 180)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUS 284 F Advanced Topics in Music

0.5-3 Units

18-54 hours lecture and 18-54 hours lab per term. This course is designed to meet the various needs of music areas that required advanced training and continuing education as well as provide professional growth for persons employed in the music business, production, recording, and performing fields. This course will be offered in modules of advanced topics. Unit credit may range from .5 to 3 units per module. Consult the class schedule to verify topic areas and credit offered for each topic. (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUS 285 F Chamber Singers

1 Unit

Advisory: Audition

18 hours lecture and 36 hours lab per term. In this course, choral chamber music literature will be rehearsed and performed on campus in surrounding communities and schools and occasionally on tours. Course may be taken four times for credit. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC) (C-ID: MUS 180)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUS 286 F Vocal Jazz Lab Singers

1 Unit

Advisory: Audition

This performance ensemble uses 2-3 part vocal jazz literature to teach the fundamentals of jazz harmony, blend, style, interpretation, and improvisation within a vocal group setting. Course may be taken four times for credit. (CSU) (UC) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUS 287 F Vocal Jazz Ensemble

1 Unit

Prerequisite(s): Audition

18 hours lecture, 36 hours lab and 18 hours arranged in rehearsals, studio recordings, workshops, festival competitions and concerts. The students in this course will rehearse and perform standard and current music from the Vocal Jazz genre. The vocalists will be accompanied by a small instrumental ensemble. There will be a secondary emphasis upon vocal improvisation in the scat style. Student compositions and arrangements are encouraged. Course may be taken four times for credit. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC) (C-ID: MUS 180)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUS 291 F Electronic Music II - Intermediate Music Production

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): MUS 110 with a grade of C or better

36 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This course explores the procedures, instruments, and techniques used in a contemporary DAW/MIDI synthesizer studio and the use of sequencers, editor/librarians, intelligent arrangers, algorithmic composers, and non-linear editing in a digital audio workstation. Students will do scoring projects and acquire advanced techniques in Digital Performer and Protools. Other DAW's may include Reason, Logic and Ableton Live. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUS 292 F Electronic Music III - Advanced Music Production

3 Units

Prerequisite(s): MUS 110 F with a grade of "C" or better

36 hours lecture and 54 hours lab per term. This course offers advanced music production training in Logic Pro and Ableton Live. It represents the last class course in a sequence of three Electronic Music classes dedicated to the teaching of Advanced Music creation and production skills using state of the art Digital Audio Workstations to produce music for Film, TV and Interactive Media. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUS 298 F Music Internship

1-3 Units

54-162 hours of supervised employment, paid or unpaid internship per term. This course is designed to enable the music student to understand and demonstrate competence in a professional recording/production work environment through the combination of extended classroom learning and the interaction of a professional supervisor. It is the responsibility of the student to pursue their own internship opportunity. Course may be taken four times for credit. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUS 299 F Music Independent Study

1 Unit

Advisory: High scholarship music major evidenced by portfolio, advanced level performance, or instructor referral.

54 hours independent study per term. This course is for advanced students who wish to pursue a particular area of music through individual study. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC Credit Limitation depending upon course content; UC review required)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUSA: Music-Applied

The Applied Music Program provides students the opportunity to study privately with Fullerton College music faculty in their particular applied music discipline. Students receive one-on-one instruction and are expected to perform in a recital situation each semester.

MUSA 100 F Introduction to Music Laboratory

1-2 Units

Corequisite(s): MUSA 200 F with a grade of C or better.

54 to 108 hours lab per term in the Computer Laboratory, Music Listening Library, or Practice Room Suite. This course is taken in conjunction with MUSA and includes the private lessons, directed learning time (coaching), and practice time required for that class. Pass/No Pass only. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUSA 101 F Beginning Music Lab

1-2 Units

Prerequisite(s): MUSA 100 F with a grade of Pass or C or better.

Corequisite: MUSA 200 F with a grade of Pass or C or better. 54-108 hours lab per term. For each 54 hours that the student spends progressing in the Computer Lab, listening in the Music Library or practicing in the Practice Room, one unit of credit will be granted. All hours must be verified by computer sign in. This course is taken as a corequisite to the second semester of MUSA 200 F.Open Entry/Open Exit. Pass/No Pass only. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUSA 102 F Intermediate Music Laboratory

1-2 Units

Prerequisite(s): MUSA 101 F with a grade of Pass

Corequisite: MUSA 200 F with a grade of Pass. 54-108 hours lab per term. For each 54 hours that the student spends progressing in the Computer Lab, listening in the Music Library or practicing in the Practice Room, one unit of credit will be granted. All hours must be verified by computer sign in. This course is taken as a corequisite to the third semester of MUSA 200 F. Pass/No Pass only. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUSA 103 F Advanced Music Laboratory

1-2 Units

Prerequisite(s): MUSA 102 F with a grade of C or better

Corequisite: MUSA 200 F with a grade of Pass. 54-108 hours lab per term. For each 54 hours that the student spends progressing in the Computer Lab, listening in the Music Library or practicing in the Practice Room Suite one unit of credit will be granted. All hours must be verified by computer sign in. This course is taken as a corequisite to the fourth semester of MUSA 200 F. Open Entry/Open Exit. Pass/No Pass only. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUSA 104 F Introduction to Concert Hour

1 Unit

18 hours lecture per term. This course is designed for the first semester music major, providing the student with opportunities to expand their knowledge of music performance and specific composers and musical genres, and learn from guest artists and guest speakers. Selected students will be given the opportunity to perform during the term. Outside class activities include attendance at Fullerton College Music Department concerts and the preparation of concert reports. This course is required of all music majors but open to all students. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUSA 105 F Beginning Concert Hour

1 Unit

Prerequisite(s): MUSA 104 F with a grade of C or better

18 hours lecture per term. This course is designed for the second semester music major, providing the student with opportunities to expand knowledge of music performance and specific composers and musical genres, and learn from guest artists and guest speakers. Selected students will be given the opportunity to perform during the term. Outside class activities include attendance at Music Department concerts and the preparation of concert reports. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUSA 106 F Intermediate Concert Hour

1 Unit

Prerequisite(s): MUSA 105 F with a grade of C or better

18 hours lecture per term. This course is designed for the third semester music major, providing the student with opportunities to expand knowledge of music performance and specific composers and musical genres, and learn from guest artists and guest speakers. Selected students will be given the opportunity to perform during the term. Outside class activities include attendance at Music Department concerts and the preparation of concert reports. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUSA 107 F Advanced Concert Hour

1 Unit

Prerequisite(s): MUSA 106 F with a grade of C or better

18 hours lecture per term. This course is designed for the fourth semester music major, providing the student with opportunities to expand knowledge of music performance and specific composers and musical genres, and learn from guest artists and guest speakers. Selected students will be given the opportunity to perform during the term. Outside class activities include attendance at Fullerton College concerts and the preparation of concert reports. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUSA 110 F Fundamentals of Voice Training for Non-Majors

1 Unit

Advisory: Audition.

18 hours lecture and 18 hours lab per term. This course is the study of fundamentals of singing techniques in a class situation. Topics include instruction in tone production, breath control, pronunciation, and choice of song literature. Out of class time includes 1 hour of practice time in Practice Room per week and preparation for recitals. Open to all students and intended for avocational and inexperienced singers. (Degree Credit) CSU) (UC)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUSA 111 F Beginning Voice

1 Unit

Advisory: Audition.

18 hours lecture and 18 hours lab per term. This course is an entry level class for inexperienced singers who wish to explore the Voice Major. Providing a study of basic vocal techniques, the course explores tone production, breath control, pronunciation, and choice of song literature. Required out of class activities include one hour practice in Practice Room per week and participation in recitals. Field trips may be required outside of regularly scheduled class times. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUSA 112 F Intermediate Voice I

1 Unit

Advisory: MUSA 110 F or MUSA 111 F or Audition.

18 hours lecture and 18 hours lab per term. This course, which provides a study of vocal literature and techniques in a class situation, emphasizes individual progress in tone production, breath control and diction. Repertoire is primarily 18th and 19th century Italian songs and arias. The course is designed for the voice major not yet qualified for MUSA 200 F or the Advanced Voice classes and for promising non-majors. Out of class activities include one hour of practice per week in Practice Room Suite and preparation for recitals. Field trips may be required outside of regularly-scheduled class times. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUSA 113 F Intermediate Voice II

1 Unit

Advisory: MUSA 112 F or Audition.

18 hours lecture and 18 hours lab per term. This course, which is a study of vocal literature and techniques, emphasizes individual progress in tone production, breath control and diction. The course is designed for the more advanced non-major, or the voice major not yet qualified for Applied Voice-Individual Instruction or Advanced Voice. This course continues to build on the skills learned and practiced in MUSA 112 F. Repertoire is primarily 18th and 19th century Italian songs and arias. Out of class activities include one hour of practice per week in Practice room, and preparation for recitals. Field trips may be required outside of regularly scheduled class times. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUSA 120 F Beginning Guitar

1 Unit

18 hours lecture and 18 hours lab per term. This course focuses on the fundamentals of playing the guitar: technique, note reading, scales, chords, simple picking and strumming patterns. The repertoire includes a wide variety of musical styles, from classical to rock. Field trips may be required outside of regularly-scheduled class times. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUSA 121 F Intermediate Guitar

1 Unit

Advisory: MUSA 120 F.

18 hours lecture and 18 hours lab per term. This course is designed for the more advanced non-guitar major or the guitar major who is not yet qualified for Classical or Jazz Guitar, this course continues the study of guitar study from MUSA 120 F with emphasis on more advanced literature and techniques. Emphasis is placed on individual progress in execution and interpretation. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUSA 130 F Introduction to Piano for Non-Music Majors

1 Unit

18 hours lecture and 18 hours lab per term. This course is designed for non-music majors whose piano skills are non-existent or very limited. It provides an introduction to the fundamentals of piano playing: posture, keyboard topography, note reading, 5-finger-pattern exercises, sight-reading, and piano repertoires. It is open to all students. Letter Grade/Pass/No Pass option. (CSU) (UC) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUSA 131 F Keyboard Skills I

1 Unit

Prerequisite(s): MUSA 130 F with a grade of Pass or C or better

Advisory: MUSA 136 F

18 hours lecture and 18 hours lab per term. This course is designed for music majors preparing for a university keyboard proficiency exam, this course is the entry-level keyboard musicianship class with emphasis on basic keyboard harmonization, hand independence, transposition, sight-reading, rhythm accuracy and elementary piano repertoires. (CSU) (UC) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUSA 132 F Keyboard Skills II

1 Unit

Prerequisite(s): MUSA 131 F with a grade of C or better or Audition

18 hours lecture and 18 hours lab per term. This course is a continuation of MUSA 131 F for music majors. It includes emphasis on basic keyboard harmonization using primary chord inversions, technique, transposition, accompaniment patterns, rhythm accuracy and late elementary/early intermediate piano repertoires. (CSU) (UC) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUSA 134 F Jazz Piano Technique and Repertoire I

1 Unit

Prerequisite(s): Audition

Advisory: MUSA 130 F

This is an introductory jazz piano course in which students will learn to improvise over the blues form using the blues scale, analyze standard tunes harmonically and play ii-V-i progression using shell voicings, Bud Powell shells and rootless voicings. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUSA 136 F Beginning Piano Sight-Reading

1 Unit

Prerequisite(s): MUSA 130 F with a grade of Pass or C or better or Audition

18 hours lecture and 18 hours lab per term. This course is designed for those majoring in piano whose sight-reading skill is almost nonexistent. Piano sight-reading strategies will include familiarity with keyboard topography, vertical and horizontal groupings of notes and recognition of rhythm patterns. Students will read simple arrangements of popular and famous tunes. Also recommended for those enrolled in MUSA 131 F. (CSU) (UC) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUSA 137 F Intermediate Piano Sight-Reading

1 Unit

Prerequisite(s): MUSA 136 F with a C or better or Audition

18 hours lecture and 18 hours lab per term. This course is designed for piano majors and is a continuation of MUSA 136 F and includes reading various styles of intermediate-level solo piano repertoire, ensemble, accompaniments and reading chord symbol notation. (CSU) (UC) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUSA 140 F Introduction to Strings (formerly Introduction to Strings for Non-Majors)

1 Unit

18 hours lecture and 18 hours lab per term. This course is an exploratory study of the violin, viola, cello or string bass in a classroom situation. It presents the basic fundamentals of string technique and music reading. Since no previous experience is necessary, the course is open to all students. (CSU) (UC) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUSA 141 F Beginning Strings

1 Unit

Advisory: MUSA 140 F.

18 hours lecture and 18 hours lab per term. This course is offered to majors and non-majors who wish to become familiar with the basic fundamentals of violin, viola, cello, and/or string bass techniques. Students are required to practice at least two hours per week. Emphasis is placed on sound production, articulation, and basic music sight reading and theory. In addition, more basic concepts of teaching methods are presented in order to help prepare those wishing to enter the teaching industry at the elementary and middle school levels teaching private or group string classes. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUSA 142 F Intermediate Strings

1 Unit

Advisory: MUSA 141 F.

18 hours lecture and 18 hours lab per term. This course teaches the intermediate fundamentals of violin, viola, cello, and/or string bass techniques; more intermediate-level string techniques are presented such as shifting, vibrato and tuning. (CSU) (UC)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUSA 150 F Introduction to Woodwinds for Non-Majors

1 Unit

Prerequisite(s): Audition

18 hours lecture and 18 hours lab per term. This course offers an introduction to the flute, oboe, bassoon, clarinet, or saxophone in a class situation. No previous experience is necessary. This course is open to all students (CSU) (UC) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUSA 151 F Beginning Woodwinds

1 Unit

Prerequisite(s): Audition

18 hours lecture and 18 hours lab per term. This course provides a challenging introduction to the study of flute, oboe, bassoon, clarinet, or saxophone in a class setting. Although this course is designed for music majors, it is open to all students. (CSU) (UC) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUSA 152 F Intermediate Woodwinds

1 Unit

Prerequisite(s): MUSA 150 F or MUSA 151 F with a grade of C or better or Audition

18 hours lecture and 18 hours lab per term. This course is a study of Woodwind literature and techniques in a class situation. Emphasis is placed on individual progress in tone production, breath support, technique, and intonation. The course is designed for more advanced non-majors, or for music majors not yet qualified for advanced woodwinds. (CSU) (UC) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUSA 161 F Beginning Brass

1 Unit

18 hours lecture and 18 hours lab per term. This course provides an introductory level study of the trumpet, trombone, French horn, euphonium, or tuba in a class room situation. Since no previous brass experience is necessary, it is open to all students. Students must provide their own instruments. (CSU) (UC) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUSA 162 F Intermediate Brass

1 Unit

Prerequisite(s): MUSA 161 F with a grade of C or better or Audition

18 hours lecture and 18 hours lab per term. This course is an intermediate level study of the trumpet, trombone, French horn, euphonium, or tuba in a class room situation. Some prior experience in playing a brass instrument is necessary. Students must provide their own instruments. (CSU) (UC) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUSA 170 F Introduction to Percussion (formerly Introduction to Percussion for Non-Majors)

1 Unit

18 hours lecture and 18 hours lab per term. This course is a study of the techniques and rhythmic theory needed to perform the snare drum, drum-set, and world percussion instruments in a class situation. A variety of keyboard and orchestral percussion instruments will also be identified and discussed. (CSU) (UC) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUSA 171 F Introduction to Drum Set

1 Unit

Advisory: MUSA 170 F.

18 hours lecture and 18 hours lab per term. This course will teach students the fundamentals of popular drum set techniques through lecture, demonstration, text, audio and video recordings and class participation. The instructor will give group and individual instruction and present an overview of basic percussion technique, rhythmic theory and Jazz, Rock, Latin and Pop drumming styles. Students should be prepared to practice one half hour a day outside of class. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUSA 172 F Intermediate Percussion

1 Unit

Advisory: MUSA 170 F.

18 hours lecture and 18 hours lab per term. This course is a continuation study of the techniques and rhythmic theory needed for intermediate level performance of the snare drum, drum-set, and world percussion instruments in a class situation. A variety of keyboard and orchestral percussion instruments will also be instructed and performed. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUSA 173 F Intermediate Percussion - Drum Set

1 Unit

Advisory: MUSA 171 F.

18 hours lecture and 18 hours lab per term. Students will learn popular drum set techniques through lecture, demonstration, text, audio and video recordings and class participation. Instructor will give group and individual instruction and present an overview of Jazz, Rock, Latin, and Pop drumming styles. Students should be prepared to practice one half hour a day, outside of class. (CSU) (UC) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUSA 191 F Intermediate Vocal Jazz Styling and Improvisation I

1 Unit

Advisory: Audition

18 hours lecture and 18 hours lab per term. This course is designed to give vocal students beginning training in jazz styling techniques, rhythmic and melodic improvisation, and the fundamentals of lead sheet writing. Students are required to spend no less than 30 minutes per week in the practice rooms and/or listening library. Students should have prior training in the fundamentals of voice and music theory. (CSU) (UC) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUSA 192 F Intermediate Vocal Jazz Styling and Improvisation II

1 Unit

Prerequisite(s): MUSA 191 F with a grade of C or better

18 hours lecture and 18 hours lab per term. This course is designed to give vocal students intermediate training in jazz styling techniques, vocal improvisation, and basic lead sheet writing. Students are required to spend no less than 30 minutes per week in the practice rooms and/or listening library. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUSA 200 F Applied Music - Individual Private Study

1 Unit

Advisory: Audition

18 hours lecture per term. This course provides individual instruction in applied techniques and interpretation of musical literature. Participation in recitals, juries and performance evaluations are required. Areas of study include guitar, orchestral and band instruments, percussion, piano, and voice. Course may be taken four times for credit. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC review required) (C-ID: MUS 160)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUSA 201 F Advanced Applied Music - Master Class (formerly titled Advanced Applied Music - Individualized Private Study)

1 Unit

Prerequisite(s): MUSA 200 F with a grade of C or better

18 hours lecture per term. This course provides advanced individual instruction in applied techniques and interpretation of musical literature. Participation in recitals, juries and performance evaluations are required. Areas of study include guitar, orchestral & band instruments, percussion, piano, and voice. Course may be taken four times for credit. (CSU) (UC review required) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUSA 202 F Applied Private Instruction

1 Unit

Advisory: Audition

This course offers individual instruction in applied techniques and interpretation of musical literature. Participation in recitals, juries, and performance evaluations is required. Instruments of study include guitar, orchestral instruments, piano, percussion, and voice. Course may be taken four times for credit. (CSU) (UC review required) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUSA 203 F Advanced Applied Private Instruction

1 Unit

Advisory: MUSA 202 F and Audition.

18 hours lecture per term. This course offers individual instruction in advanced applied techniques and advanced interpretation of musical literature. Participation in recitals, juries, and performance evaluations is required. Instruments of study include guitar, orchestral instruments, piano, percussion, and voice. Course may be taken two times for credit. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC review required)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUSA 210 F Advanced Voice

1 Unit

Advisory: MUSA 112 F or Audition.

18 hours lecture and 18 hours lab per term. This course offers individual instruction in vocal techniques and interpretation of solo voice literature in a class situation. Emphasis is placed upon repertoire and public performance. Participation in recitals plus one hour practice per week is required. Designed for music majors but open to all students. Field trips may be required outside of regularly-scheduled times. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUSA 211 F Advanced Voice-German Lieder

1 Unit

Advisory: MUSA 112 F or Audition

18 hours lecture and 18 hours lab per term. This course, which offers individual instruction in vocal techniques and interpretation of German Lieder in a class situation, emphasizes, repertoire and public performance. Out of class activities include one hour practice in the Practice Room per week and participation in recitals. Although designed for music majors, this course is open to all students. Field trips may be required outside of regularly- scheduled class times. (Degree Credit) (CSU)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUSA 212 F Advanced Voice-French Melodie

1 Unit

Advisory: MUSA 112 F or Audition

18 hours lecture and 18 hours lab per term. This course, which provides Individual instruction in vocal techniques and interpretation of French Melodie in a class situation, emphasizes learning and performing French repertoire. Out of class activities include one hour practice per week and participation in recitals. Although designed for music majors, this course is open to all students. Field trips may be required outside of regularly-scheduled class times. (CSU) (UC) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUSA 213 F Advanced Voice-Spanish Cancion

1 Unit

Advisory: MUSA 112 F or Audition.

18 hours lecture and 18 hours lab per term. This course, which offers individual instruction in vocal techniques and interpretation of Spanish Canciones, emphasizes repertoire and public performance. Out of class activities include one hour practice in Practice Room per week and participation in recitals. Although designed for music majors this course is open to all students. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUSA 214 F Advanced Voice-English and American Art Song

1 Unit

Advisory: MUSA 112 F or Audition

18 hours lecture and 18 hours lab per term. This course, which offers individual instruction in vocal techniques and interpretation of English and American Art Songs in a class situation, emphasizes repertoire and public performance. Out of class activities include one hour practice in Practice Room per week and participation in recitals. Although designed for music majors, this course is open to all students. (CSU) (UC) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUSA 220 F Advanced Guitar I (formerly Classical Guitar: Renaissance to Baroque)

1 Unit

Advisory: MUSA 121 F.

18 hours lecture and 18 hours lab per term. This course is designed for music majors, this course provides intensive individual instruction in guitar techniques and interpretation of solo guitar literature. Emphasis on building repertoire and performing music from the Renaissance to Baroque periods. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUSA 221 F Advanced Guitar II (formerly Classical Guitar: Classical to Contemporary)

1 Unit

Advisory: MUSA 121 F

18 hours lecture and 18 hours lab per term. This course is designed for music majors, this advanced class provides intensive individual instruction in guitar techniques and interpretation of solo guitar literature. Emphasis is placed on building repertoire and performing music from the Classical Music to Contemporary periods. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUSA 223 F Jazz Guitar: Scales and Arpeggios

1 Unit

Advisory: MUSA 121 F

18 hours lecture and 18 hours lab per term. This course is designed to advance the student's ability in a variety of jazz guitar styles with specific emphasis on improvisation in a single-line (linear) style. Linear playing will explore both scales and arpeggios and their incorporation into improvised melodies over a variety of chord changes. Students should have at least intermediate playing skills (at least two years guitar playing experience) and some knowledge of music theory. Music reading is not necessary, but is advised. Previous exposure to playing jazz is not required. Field trips may be required outside of regularly-scheduled class times. (CSU) (UC) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUSA 224 F Jazz Guitar: Chords

1 Unit

Advisory: MUSA 121 F or by Audition

18 hours lecture and 18 hours lab per term. This class is designed to advance the student's ability in a variety of jazz guitar styles with specific emphasis on chord playing, which will be addressed in both accompaniment and solo playing. Students should have at least intermediate playing skills (2 years guitar playing experience) and some knowledge of music theory. Music reading is not necessary, but is advised, for success in this class. Previous exposure to playing jazz is not required. Field trips may be required outside of regularly-scheduled class times. (CSU) (UC) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUSA 231 F Keyboard Skills III

1 Unit

Prerequisite(s): MUSA 132 F with a grade of C or better or Audition

18 hours lecture and 18 hours lab per term. This course follows MUSA 132 F in keyboard musicianship sequence. Individualized instruction will focus on keyboard harmony using primary and secondary chords, introduction to basic score reading, transposing to concert pitch, rhythm, and early intermediate/intermediate piano repertoires including classical, blues, national and folk tunes. (CSU) (UC) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUSA 232 F Keyboard Skills IV

1 Unit

Prerequisite(s): MUSA 231 F with a grade of C or better or Audition

18 hours lecture and 18 hours lab. This course is an advanced level in keyboard musicianship sequence. Rigorous individualized instruction will focus on keyboard harmony using secondary dominant chords, 3-voice choral score reading, specialized rhythm, intermediate to late intermediate standard repertoires, memorization, and self-critiquing skills. (CSU) (UC) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUSA 234 F Jazz Piano Technique and Repertoire II

1 Unit

Prerequisite(s): MUSA 134 F with a grade of C or better

18 hours lecture and 18 hours lab per term. This course, which is a continuation of MUSA 134 F for jazz piano majors, builds on playing standard jazz repertoire for solo piano and piano trio, jazz theory and practicing strategies. Students will learn to play and improvise over minor ii-V-i progression using shell and rootless voicings. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUSA 236 F Advanced Piano: Baroque to Classical

1 Unit

Prerequisite(s): MUSA 137 F with a grade of C or better or Audition

18 hours lecture and 18 hours lab per term. This course provides individualized instruction and lecture on piano techniques and interpretation of baroque and classical piano repertoire for pianists. (CSU) (UC) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUSA 237 F Advanced Piano: Romantic to Contemporary

1 Unit

Prerequisite(s): MUSA 137 F with a grade of C or better or Audition

18 hours lecture and 18 hours lab per term. This advanced class for piano majors studies Romantic to Contemporary keyboard literature and techniques. Emphasis will be on individual progress in building musical vocabulary, phrasing, articulations, technique, and interpretation. (Degree Credit) (CSU) (UC)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUSA 240 F Advanced Strings

1 Unit

Advisory: MUSA 142 F.

18 hours lecture and 18 hours lab per term. This course, which follows MUSA 142 F, provides rigorous instruction for violin, viola, cello, and/or string bass techniques. Students are required to practice at least 2 hours per week. More advanced-level string techniques are presented, including higher fingerboard positions, double-stops, and more difficult key signatures for the string player. (CSU) (UC) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUSA 250 F Advanced Woodwinds I

1 Unit

Prerequisite(s): MUSA 152 F with a grade of C or better or Audition.

18 hours lecture and 18 hours lab per term. Designed for the woodwind major, this course provides Individual instruction in woodwind techniques and ensemble interpretation of solo woodwind literature in a class situation. Emphasis is on repertoire and public performance. Participation in recitals is required. Although the course is designed for Music Majors, it is open to non-majors as well. (CSU) (UC) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUSA 251 F Advanced Woodwinds II

1 Unit

Prerequisite(s): MUSA 250 F with a grade of C or better or Audition.

18 hours lecture and 18 hours lab per term. For the advanced woodwind player, this course provides intensively individualized instruction in woodwind techniques and interpretation of solo woodwind literature in a class situation. Emphasis is on continuation of technical and repertoire development. One or more woodwind instruments may be explored in this course. Participation in public recitals is required. (CSU) (UC) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUSA 260 F Advanced Brass I

1 Unit

Prerequisite(s): MUSA 162 F with a grade of C or better or Audition.

18 hours lecture and 18 hours lab per term. This course involves an advanced level instruction and study of the trumpet, trombone, French horn, euphonium, or tuba in a class room situation. Emphasis will be on technique, presentation, and execution of higher levels of repertoire. Designed for music majors but open to all students. Students must provide their own instruments. (CSU) (UC) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUSA 261 F Advanced Brass II

1 Unit

Prerequisite(s): MUSA 260 F with a grade of C or better or Audition.

18 hours lecture and 18 hours lab per term. This course involves the highest level of advanced instruction and study of the trumpet, trombone, French horn, euphonium or tuba in a classroom situation. Emphasis will be on technique, presentation, and execution of the highest levels of repertoire. This course is designed for music majors but it is open to all qualified students. Students must provide their own instruments. (CSU) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUSA 270 F Advanced Percussion I

1 Unit

Advisory: MUSA 172 F.

18 hours lecture and 18 hours lab per term. This course is a continuation study of the techniques and rhythmic theory needed for advanced level performance of the snare drum, drum-set, and world percussion instruments in a class situation. A variety of keyboard and orchestral percussion instruments will also be instructed and performed. (CSU) (UC) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUSA 271 F Advanced Percussion II

1 Unit

Advisory: MUSA 173 F.

18 hours lecture and 18 hours lab per term. Students will learn advanced drum set techniques through lecture, demonstration, text, audio and video recordings and class participation. The instructor will give group and individual instruction and present an overview of Jazz, Rock, Latin, and Pop drumming styles and their many subcategories. Students should be prepared to practice one half hour per day, outside of class. (CSU) (UC) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUSA 290 F Advanced Vocal Jazz Styling and Improvisation I

1 Unit

Prerequisite(s): MUSA 192 F with a grade of C or better or Audition

18 hours lecture and 18 hours lab plus 4 hours arranged time in private coaching lessons per term. This course is designed to give vocal students advanced training in jazz styling techniques, improvisation, and lead sheet writing on the latest notation computer software. Students will begin to compile a personal working songbook. Students are required to spend no less than 30 minutes per week in the practice rooms and/or listening library in addition to class time. (CSU) (UC) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUSA 291 F Advanced Vocal Jazz Styling and Improvisation II

1 Unit

Prerequisite(s): MUSA 290 F with a grade of C or better

18 hours lecture and 18 hours lab plus 4 hours arranged time in private coaching lessons per term. This course is designed to give vocal students advanced training in jazz styling techniques, improvisation, and fundamentals of arranging on the latest notation computer software. Students will add to their personal working songbook and begin to compile a promotional packet. Students are required to spend no less than 30 minutes per week in the practice rooms and/or listening library in addition to class time. (CSU) (UC) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUSA 292 F Advanced Vocal Jazz Styling and Improvisation III

1 Unit

Prerequisite(s): MUSA 291 F with a grade of C or better

18 hours lecture and 18 hours lab plus 4 hours private coaching time per term. This course is designed to give vocal students advanced training in jazz styling techniques, improvisation, and beginning arranging on the latest notation computer software. Students will continue building their personal working songbook and begin to compile a promotional packet. Students are required to spend no less than 30 minutes per week in the practice rooms and/or listening library in addition to class time. (CSU) (UC) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025:

MUSA 293 F Advanced Vocal Jazz Styling and Improvisation IV

1 Unit

Prerequisite(s): MUSA 292 F with a grade of C or better

18 hours lecture and 18 hours lab and 4 hours in private coaching lessons per term. This course is designed to give vocal students advanced training in jazz styling techniques, improvisation, and intermediate arranging on the latest notation computer software. Students will complete their personal working songbook and promotional packet for professional use. Students are required to spend no less than 30 minutes per week in the practice rooms and/or listening library in addition to class time. (CSU) (UC) (Degree Credit)

Winter/Spring 2025:
Summer 2025: