Picture of Monica Lee


Monica Lee

Piano Studies

Dr. Monica Lee is the coordinator of piano studies and piano pedagogy certificate program. She started teaching at Fullerton College in 2000. Each semester, the piano program provides five levels of keyboard skills classes, piano ensemble, applied piano, jazz piano classes, and piano teaching certificate program to state, out-of-state, and international students. Prior to Fullerton College, Monica started giving piano lessons at the age of sixteen, taught at Northwestern University and Concordia University in Illinois, and at Prince George’s Community College in Maryland.

Monica received Doctor of Musical Arts degree in piano performance and pedagogy from Northwestern University in 2001, and Master in Business Administration for Executives from UCI in 2022. As a pianist, she performed in the United States, Korea, and Russia. In 2010, Monica presented Long Distance Piano Instruction in TEDx in Fullerton. In 2013 Monica presented a workshop on the ‘Importance of Piano Sight-Reading’ based on her book, Piano Sight-Reading: A Systematic Approach in the World Piano Conference held in Novi Sad, Serbia.

Dr. Lee adjudicated in the US and Canada including MTAC and MTNA competitions and as an evaluator for Royal Conservatory of Music Program. From 2003-2017, Monica served as the chair of the Annual Fullerton Piano Ensemble Festival working with volunteers formed by her former and current students, OLLI, and MTAC members.

Since the age of 20, Monica served as a church choir conductor in various states. Other contributions include serving on the Yamaha Disklavier Educational Network Board of Advisory committee, and a board member of ArmstrongLee Scholarship Fund, Inc., founded by her parents in 2000. Monica is collaborating with Dr. Helen Marlais on their piano method book, Succeeding at Class Piano, for college/university keyboard skills classes. Monica Lee is 2022 Dr. James Young Arts Legacy Award recipient.

MUS 022 F Piano Pedagogy II
Jan. 29 to May. 25
11:10am - 12:15pm

MUS 116 F Music Appreciation
Jan. 29 to May. 25
5:14am - 5:14am

MUSA 130 F Introduction to Piano for Non-Music Majors
Jan. 29 to May. 25
9:25am - 10:30am

MUSA 130 F Introduction to Piano for Non-Music Majors
Jan. 29 to May. 25
1:00pm - 2:00pm

MUSA 130 F Introduction to Piano for Non-Music Majors
Feb. 12 to May. 25
6:00pm - 7:00pm